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1889 Trail Development

1889 Dam Trail – Cambria County Conservation and Recreation Authority.

St. Michael PA - Cambria County

1889 Dam Trail – Cambria County Conservation and Recreation Authority.  This was the final piece of trail to complete the Path of the Flood Trail.  It was very high priority for the county and they worked for several years to get this final piece accomplished.

Original bid July 2022…we were 2nd bidder.

Redesign & rebid August 2022….Berkebile was low bidder….however the project was still over budget

Berkebile worked with the engineer and CCCRA’s manager to Value Engineer the trail to utilize the funds available, however it would only build the trail on CCCRA’s ground.

There was still approximately 2000 LF of trail that needed built in the 1889 National Flood Memorial Park around the breast of the dam and up to the south abutment roadway to make the final connection.  This project was very important to the National Park Service.  Berkebile, EADS, CCCRA, and several NPS managers/personnel met at the site to discuss how to accomplish the balance of the job. 

The NPS committed to supplying materials and utilizing their employees to perform some of the work.  They also reached out to the Friends of the Johnstown Flood National Memorial group to help finance the balance of the work.

An agreement was reached between all parties and Berkebile and the NPS personnel broke ground March 28, 2023 with hopes of completing the project in time for the annual Path of the Flood Historic Races on May 27, 2023.  Berkebile worked hand in hand with NPS staff to complete the project in early May, which allowed the annual Path of the Flood Historic Race to begin at dam site.  This project was a success for all parties involved.  It is also a testament to how hard work and dedication to achieve a common goal can provide great results.  We must commend the CCCRA director and the NPS personnel and managers on a job well done.  Partnering on projects works, and this was probably the best example of partnering that I have seen in my almost 25 years of work in this field.


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